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What We Do

The most common question that we get asked

is…“What do you guys do?”

It’s the question that we find the hardest to answer because we do a lot of different things.   “The Things We Do” is what makes us wake up in the morning! 


We want this website to help us motivate people on being aware of alternative lifestyles rather than just the mundane of working every day from "9 to 5" until you are 65, retire and than maybe get to live your ideal life.


We want everyone to live their ideal life now. 

Who We Are

R & R is our brand, it sometimes is referred to as “Rest and Relaxation” but we like to think of it as “Ray & Ruby”. We are educating ourselves on how to live a Digital Lifestyle, being free of most commitments that come from operating a traditional Bricks & Mortar.  Business is changing very fast and it is our opinion that very soon the majority of business will be carried out online. Digital Business shares the same concept as Bricks & Mortar in order for a transaction to take place…Value has to be provided in order for someone to buy from you, delivery of the product or service is where the biggest difference lies. R & R Digital Lifestyle has recognized that lots of people have at one time or another thought about working online for a number of reasons. Most have no idea where to start or whom to trust. We have tried to take a lot of the trial and error away and help create a clear road-map to anyone who might want to investigate this favorable time in our economy.

Welcome to Our Journey!

After 30 + years together, and retirement approaching for Ruby, we decided it was time to make massive changes so that we could truly live "A Simpler Life" as we wanted.  This new chapter of our life started in late 2018 when we sold everything we owned and purchased a Class A Motorhome.  We started traveling in October 2018 heading south to the warmer weather looking for sunshine and palm trees.  Full-time RV’ing is nothing like we thought it was going to be. This new simpler life is a 100% better combining for us a minimalist lifestyle with RV traveling and, in our case, a “digital lifestyle” as we continue to work online to supplement our income.

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